Freitag, 25. September 2015

Meet our Delegates

Meet Rachel: Bachelor Student, Global Citizen, Green Economist

"I have no country to fight for; my country is the earth, and I am a citizen of the world." - Eugene V. Debs

"Throughout history, society’s efforts to ensure economic development, social inclusion or environmental sustainability were rather local. However, as we realize that the impacts of our actions on the environment are far-reaching and do not stop at national boarders, those tasks became indisputably global. The longer we wait to act on an international level, the more complex the challenges that countries face will get- especially in terms of energy and water.

In my opinion, the issue of resource scarcity and environmental protection is closely connected with economic instability and social inequality. All of the above require international cooperation and a committed society driving sustainable development. This means not only national actors must come together to define global policies, but also every one of us must adopt a global mindset.

I think sustainable development will be a primary task of our generation. We are all world citizens- it is time to resolve!"

Rachel Ullrich
Bachelor Student
Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg

Rachel Ullrich is enrolled in the Bachelors program of economy at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, which she intends to finish with her Bachelors thesis in the winter of 2015. The major focus of her studies in Freiburg, and during a semester abroad in Paris, have been economic policy and environmental economics.

Ms. Ullrich’s awareness on the issue of sustainability raised in High School, when she won a national students competition with a project on solar airplanes. During her studies in Freiburg, she worked for World Vision, a child aid foundation, which further raised her awareness and interest of current problems today and the urgent need for sustainable development. In an internship in a start up consulting firm focused on the aviation industry, Ms. Ullrich learned how environmental efficiency leads to economic success. These experiences made her see the necessity to build “bridges” between ecology and economy.

Rachels contribution to the summit will be on “Emissions Trading: Establishing a global carbon market.”

She will be tweeting, commenting, and posting under the "token" #RCU

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