Dienstag, 15. September 2015

Meet the Delegates - Double Feature

Meet Lea: Bachelor Student, Responsibility Taker, Positive Thinker

“It is not only for what we do that we are held responsible but also for what we do not do.” - John Babtiste Molière

"The continuous loss of biodiversity, the depletion of the ozone layer and climate change are processes with global implications, where we currently are not yet able to assess the full and entire consequences on the whole of life on this planet and the human race. These problems have already been recognized by different stakeholders from a great number of areas varying from industry, politics, and business to agriculture and science. Now it is time to come together form all kinds of disciplines to compare different approaches and to learn from each together in order to tackle the problems together.

We have to involve all sectors of society and need to find and implement solutions for all of them because long-term goals cannot be achieved by the change in behavior of individuals alone. Individuals are embedded in a structure, in a society and to create effective changes, it rather requires an overall societal change."  #LeL

Lea Lösch
Bachelor Student
Sociology and Geography
Wolfgang Goethe- University Frankfurt a. Main

Enrolled in a research-based bachelor’s program of sociology, with a minor in geography, at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University in Frankfurt am Main since October 2014, Ms Lösch is interested in understanding human interaction in society and with their natural environment. After graduating High School with honors, she decided to go to New Zealand. Always excelling in languages, she participated in two student exchange programs with France acquiring perfect French skills. In New Zealand she participated in an English language course at “The Campbell Institute”. Afterwards she did voluntary work in two different environmental projects. When she returned she pursued an internship in a major German conservation organization (BUND) to learn about theoretical and practical skills of conservation work. These experiences motivated her to study sociology and geography, opening up interdisciplinary opportunities to engage with the issues of climate change and environmental policy.

Lea’s approach to sustainability and climate change is the “Establishment of a “Nature Development Index””

Lea will be posting, commenting and tweeting under the “token” #LeL

Meet Katja: Research Assistant, Counselor and Ecological Educator

„Learning is like rowing against the tide. Once you stop, you drift back.”- Chinese Proverb

“Human beings are changing diurnally, whenever being in interaction with their surrounding. It is a scientifically proven fact that personalities are compositions of inherent biological equipment on the one hand, but of a synergy of a million of experiences, having been made both, consciously and unconsciously, on the other. With special regard to the high impact of postnatal experiences during a lifetime, scientists derived some mechanisms and instruments to increase the efficiency of learning situations with the overall aim to alter human behavior. In my opinion, it requires a high amount of caution when we are attempting to modify human behavior because this would also provoke a modification in the individual personality. But when trying to hold off climate change (or at least to minimize its outcomes), to save our planet earth, I think it is absolutely necessary to fall back on scientific findings. One way is to establish ecoconsciousness, to educate people, to show how important it is to integrate ecological aspects in the decisions we make continually; in how we consume, how we act in our daily life. Because living nowadays means living in a globalized world: Whatever we do, whatever behavior we show, we never act only in the boundaries of our own surroundings, we act globally.” #KJ

Katja Jaronski
Bachelor Student
Educational Management / Psychology
Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg

Being enrolled in the bachelor programs Educational Management and Psychology, Ms Jaronski aspires to finish her studies at Freiburg Albert Ludwigs University with a double degree. With a high interest in cause-and-effect relationships in general, Ms Jaronski participated in various projects that investigated the motivational-emotional influencing factors of human behavior, especially of those that could be found in teaching-and-learning situations. Currently, Ms Jaronski is also working as a research assistant with the faculty of the Department of Psychology. Focusing on capabilities to navigate and use different media, the department of Educational Psychology investigates the ways to improve the learning effects of educational courses through creating modern learning environments. This means that learning materials are prepared and reorganized to include multiple media.Within her studies of Educational Management, a program combining the theoretical foundations of Educational Sciences with their practical implementation in learning situations, Ms Jaronski focuses on increasing the effectiveness of courses, workshops and training sessions addressed to adults. She has a particular interest in such topics as human perception, decision-making processes and learned behavioral patterns. Ms Jaronski puts an emphasis in the individual’s needs and concerns, making it the basic principle for the conception of educational programs. This fundamental attitude has leaded her to help organize and work with a student-administrated institution for counseling services. Ms Jaronski also intends to further her knowledge in Systemic Consulting. For the future she resolves to utilize her knowledge in Behavioral Sciences to find solutions in establishing Ecoconsciousness, to establish a consciousness for environmental concerns and ecological behavior, not only in the upcoming generations, but within the current global population.

Katja's contribution to the Summit will be "Ecoconsciousness: Education and Climate Change."

Katja will be tweeting, commenting, and posting under the "token" #KJ

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