Mittwoch, 5. August 2015

Selecting Students, Joining Forces, Creating the Delegation

The interest in the 1st International Youth Summit was overwhelming. With the call sent out to universities and colleges across the entire country and to as many different departments as possible, the applications from very diverse students came rolling in on a daily basis. This response has shown us that students from all backgrounds care about the issues and want to do their part on the path to a more sustainable future.

After making some tough decisions on the overall excellent applications of the many students, the selection process went into the interview round. Meeting the young minds behind the inquisitive research on the impacts of climate change and environmental pollution as well as the powerful ideas for mitigation, adaptation and sustainability was inspiring and made the decision who to take an even harder one.

In the end, however, the selection committee pulled together a diverse interdisciplinary group of 7 students from all degree levels, who have each very unique approaches to the topic of the summit. We will start introducing them one after another in this blog, starting the the second week of August.

Meanwhile the team pulling together the I. Part of the delegation's visit to the region is hard at work. The program, which is now taking shape, will bring the students to various stops in Atlanta and the region: Ranging from visits with German industry located in the area, to the City of Atlanta, from connecting with conservation groups, farmers, and business leaders, to discovering the beautiful city of Savannah. We are particularly excited about working with colleges and high schools in the area, since one of the main goals of the program is to connect the next generation of leaders in the areas of sustainability and environmental stewardship, across borders in lasting networks.

By the end of July, the German Student Delegation, has had its first Skype conference, during which the students met and organized for a get-together in Berlin later this months. Here, the delegates will have the opportunity to truly connect and discuss their own research work as well as discuss their outreach strategies during the visit and their presentation at the summit.

The delegation also took to twitter and is excited about the positive feedback of the social media outreach; already several institutions and organizations have reached out to find a way to connect with us and show us the impeccable efforts that Atlanta and the region has been making to incorporate ideas about sustainability in their daily work.

In this sense, please feel free to contact us any time if you would like to connect and find ways to cooperate with us during and after the summit.

We are looking forward to introducing the 7 delegates and our Regional Coordinator, who is a student herself, to you and hear your feedback and ideas.

Stay tuned.

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