Freitag, 25. September 2015

Meet the Delegates

Meet Eva: Initiator, Community Organizer, Regional Coordinator

"We must dare to think 'unthinkable' thoughts. We must learn to explore all the options and possibilities that confront us in a complex and rapidly changing world." - Senator William F. Fulbright

"The Fulbright Program has had a great influence on my life; being able to participate in a program which has brought forth some of the world's greatest leaders in politics, medicine, innovation, and culture was not only a blessing but also a challenge to move beyond the small goals and dreams I had for myself. Most importantly, the experience of going away rooted me more deeply in the community I call home. When meeting people from all over the world, I realized that as cosmopolitan as we all appear, we are shaped, empowered, and energized by the small communities that we are a part of in daily life. For me the most important community is that of my family and home town. And that is what brought me to sustainability and to the green movement. Growing up with farmers and wine growers, you learn to consider the earthly elements an important part of everyday life. As a consequence, climate change hits close to home, when I see my friends struggle and search for different ways to sustain the agricultural businesses that makes their living. Having lived in rural communities in the US, I saw and heard the same issues.  It made me think, perhaps connecting the small communities, who have the same issues to talk about their ideas and solutions across cultures would be a great way to bring about the changes we need to build a more sustainable living for everyone. In the end, I believe that we often share more than what divides us, when we focus on the local and grassroots in particular we might be able to find new paths, never thought of before."

Eva Rüskamp
Graduate Student
American Studies
Humboldt-University Berlin

Currently writing her final thesis “Confronting the Elephant in the Room: 21st Century American Conservatism and the GOP”, which explores the Tea Party Movement and its implications for the “conservative consensus," Ms. Rüskamp will finish her research-based master degree in American studies at Humboldt-University Berlin in fall 2015. Her research focus has been on the culture of politics, social movements, and narrative theories. For the past two years, she has also worked as a student assistant at the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), a German think tank and political society. Ms. Rüskamp holds a bachelor’s degree in English and American studies as well as sociology from the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg. In 2011-12 she was awarded a Fulbright scholarship, which enabled her to pursue English and women’s studies at the University of Oregon; in 2013 she also pursued research at the University of Western Brittany in France. Being interested and active in the Trans-Atlantic partnership, Ms. Rüskamp conducted a research project on cultural diplomacy with the German Consulate General in 2014. During this project, she developed a keen interest in the interplay of conservatism, climate change issues, and sustainability as well as climate diplomacy. After graduation, she plans to pursue a PhD in cultural studies focusing on these issues and incorporating practical work in the field of climate diplomacy. Believing in communal service, she is also politically active in the Christian Democrats Union, the Young European Federalists, and volunteers among others with the Farm Women’s Association of her hometown.

Eva is our Regional Coordinator and Head of the Delegation. She will be moderating the Panel Discussion for the International Students.

Her personal views will be signed with the "token" #ERü

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