Montag, 24. August 2015

Meet the Delegates

Meet Alexander: Master Student, Green Thinker, Energizer

On Going Green:

"As climate change is increasingly threatening communities around the globe, particularly the most vulnerable and least responsible ones, we begin to see the interconnectedness of social, economic and environmental challenges. Going green means much more than simply lowering CO2 emissions. It means questioning and rethinking our everyday behaviour and habits, public infrastructures, political and economic institutions. Luckily, win-win options are available: Shifting from fossil fuel-based towards renewable energy production will create jobs, while benefiting human health and environment alike. Retooling our cities towards sustainability will not only mean less dependence on cars and more resilience to climate change but also improve human well-being. Most importantly, moving beyond the paradigm of unlimited economic growth will make capital productive again and put communities back at the center of economic activity – all while lowering our environmental impact. It's time to turn those bold ideas into reality!"  #AF

Alexander Franke

Graduate Student
Political Science
Otto-Suhr-Institute, Free University Berlin

Enrolled in a research-based masters program in political science at the well-known Otto Suhr Institute at the Free University of Berlin, Mr. Franke’s research interests include renewable energy politics and the political dimensions of energy transitions. Prior, he studied, among other universities, at SciencesPo Paris and the University of Heidelberg, where he received a B.A. in political science and public law. Following an internship of 6 months in their Washington DC office, he started working for the Heinrich Böll Foundation, a German green political think tank, in 2013. At the foundation, he is an editor for the German Energy Transition project ( It explains the policies and politics of the German “Energiewende” to an international audience. The aim is to overcome existing misunderstandings about Germany's energy transition in the hope to foster an international exchange on energy and sustainability transitions. Apart from his academic focus on renewables, he is particularly interested in urban sustainability and ideas of post-growth. 

Alexander's contribution to the Summit will be on “Framing of solar energy by advocates in Germany and the United States – the importance of culture and narratives”

Alexander will be posting, commenting, tweeting under the "token" AF / #AF

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